Sunday, December 11, 2011

I'll Have Blue Christmas

Before you read anything, make sure this song is playing.  Thanks.

Okay, now that we have the business of soundtrack out of the way, I present to you my OMGWTF Christmas Tree Experiment Extravaganza!

This is my first Christmas as a single lady in a long time.  I've never lived alone for the holidays.  I mean, sure I have my kids, but they don't really make a lot of the decorating decisions.  (But if they did oh man I'd be all over that!  Kids have vision!)  I wanted to find a way to make my Burly's First Christmas special.  I've been working my ass off to personalize my home and suit it to my tastes, declaring independence from beige and all that jazz.  I figured why not do the same with my Christmas tree?

So I lugged it out of the rafters...

What an abomination.

I wanted it turquoise or teal or something like that.

Unfortch, I underestimated the spray paint needed and ran out halfway through.

But I was enamored with the "Robin's Egg Blue" of it, so off to the craft store for the second time on Black Friday I went.  

5 cans of paint later, this proved to be a less than economical way of making Christmas less boring and more Burly- I probably could have bought a blue fucking tree at Target or something.  But it's the transformation that counts.  Plus, the can of silver glitter that I coated the bastard with when it was done was pretty badass.

But then tragedy struck!  The base broke!  It was on it's side for a few weeks because I'm as lazy as I am crafty so it had dead leaves all in it and it was a real piece of work.  And I had no clue how to keep it upright. 

But my dad fixed it with some heavy metal *Bill and Ted air guitar with me* and a post that went though the base of the tree.  Except it was then too tall for my house:

 While all of this confusion was happening about my tree's stand I came upon a box of keys in my garage.

Um, hello, can you say ornaments?!  Some jewelry wire was all i needed for a fun garland that'll probably make its way into my office after the season's over.

So here it is in all it's glory.  It's not perfect, I should have gone a shade bluer on it, but I like it just the same.  It's Christmas on my own terms.  Christmas without compromise.  And so on.

I couldn't be happier with my blue, blue Christmas.

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